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Pam Thoughts and Prayers February 4, 2013
Dear Bonnie, Kim, Craig, Ryan and Logan-
My thoughts and prayers are with you.  This is such a wonderful site, nice to see the older / or early day photo's of your dad.  I think the boys look a little bit like he did as a young guy!  Hugs to you all. 

Sean Luxton Your Loss February 4, 2013

Hi Kim. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.
It must be very hard for you and your family.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Erin LaDue Your Dad February 4, 2013

Kim – I am so sorry for your loss. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you at the office.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Loretta Miller Distant cousin February 4, 2013
Although many of you do not know me, Jacks' grandfather, Waller Ecton and my grandfather were brothers. I do genealogy research and had the pleasure of meeting Jack and Kim last year to discuss some family history and Kim did a wonderful job of getting details together before Jack passed on and to know some of his roots. I really wish we could of spent so more time together to discuss life events, but that wasn't so.  I really enjoyed the story of Jacks' life. Being a historian of the family, I admired and appreciated the things he did. Alot of my high school graduates posed a question of what was your first ride to school. Alot answered the bike and even some answered my tennis shoes. My Mom rode the horse to school or walked in blizzard conditions. Amazing how things change throughout the world and children having items today we never dreamed of. Jack spoke of the dust bowls and so did my Mom.

It appears Jack lived his life to the fullest and one thing that comes to mind is the dash. 1932-2013. You have the beginning of life and the end of life, but what makes the life worthwhile is that little dash in between. It represents ALL the time he spent on earth and only those who love and knew Jack know what the dash is actually worth.  Memories of things he did and didn't do will always be with you. Remember to pick up pennies on the ground for they represent someone from above who has dropped them for you and to say "Thinking of you and I am doing just fine."  He has started another chapter of his life.

Sending thoughts and prayers as you struggle through the coming years. Just remember he is right there with you.

Loretta (just a cousin)
Darla Acker Dear Bonnie February 3, 2013
Dear Bonnie,

Many years ago when Jack had a quarter horse that he raced and was coming to Sonoita for the annual event, he stayed with Loren and me.  As I recall it was at least 3 or 4 times and one time you and some of your friends came and we spent racing day at Sonoita - great fun.  Then more recently we visited you and Jack and toured many of the wonderful Colorado cities, stayed at your home, and had a very enjoyable visit.

Jack was intelligent, charming, had a great sense of humor, shared wonderful stories, had a lovely smile and fantastic voice. He enjoyed a long, fulfilling, challenging, rewarding life and left this world with peace and dignity.  

You have such a wonderful family/friend support group, I know you will be okay and I send my best wishes and prayers to you as you start the next chapter of your life.

Love, Darla 
Morag Barrett Thinking of you all February 3, 2013

My heart and thoughts go out to you and all your family.  Laugh at the happy memories as they come to mind and let the tears fall when they appear.  Your dad left a wonderful legacy in you and his grandchildren, revel in that.  When my dad died a friend said it was as if he was simply in the next room - I still expect my parents to walk through the door.  You are a wonderful woman and I am glad to call you a friend, know you can ask anything I will be there for you.  Huge Hugs and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Carol and Jim Holitza For Bonnie February 3, 2013
To our dear friend Bonnie,

It has been wonderful to read about Jack's life.  Jim and I never knew exactly what Jack did for a living, but to be in on the ground floor in televistion production must have been exciting.  Jack came from a hard beginning, but he clearly knew the value of hard work and understood he had to be ambitious to make it in this world.  And he did! We know you had a wonderfully long marriage and many great experiences together, including enjoying all the dogs and the grandchildren.

We know many will miss Jack-  his family, his fishing, tennis and bridge partners, and you, Bonnie.  We are here for you whenever you need us.  

Love, Carol and Jim Holitza

Ray Anschel Thinking of You & Jack February 3, 2013
Dear Bonnie,

I am so sorry to have heard about Jack's death. At times like these, I always find that for all our wordsmithing ability there really aren't any good words. Perhaps an old Slavic saying, "I'm sorry for your trouble," says it best. And, indeed, I am.

I didn't know Jack as well as Barbara nor for as long. But given our occasional emails, the few face-to-face moments I liked Jack: I liked his humor, his feistiness, his smarts, his graciousness, his insights, his love for his dogs, his stories, his opinions which he offered unabashedly (a New Yorker would love that), his understanding and connection to horses, his good heart .... I will miss all that.

You are in my thoughts, Bonnie, as Jack is in mine--imagining him laughing and reveling in this new place accompanied by Abe & Streeter and all those other animals and people that enriched his life here. If there's anything I can do, well, all you have to do is let me know.

Lauren Iske So sorry for your loss February 2, 2013
I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing- you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.  If there is anything I can do to make things easier please don't hesitate to ask.


Eva Arnold Condolences February 2, 2013
Dear Bonnie,

I was so saddened to hear about Jack's death.  You and your family are in my thoughts.


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